Bridge of Love – Japan

After the earthquake and tsunami disaster that took place in Japan on March 11, 2011, for the “Bridge of Love” project, which consists of pictures full of love and friendship messages made by Turkish children for Japanese children, a 4-person GEA team visited Tokyo and Ishinomaki cities of Japan between 13-20 August. On August 18, a painting exhibition “Bridge of Love” was held at Ishinomaki Primary School in Ishinomaki, which was one of the regions most affected by the earthquake and tsunami. At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, a concert was given by the Tokyo Choir consisting of 25 people and pianists.

Bridge of Love postcards and pictures were distributed to the victims in container camps and schools.
Additionally, our team visited the AAR Japan, of which Dear Atsushi Miyazaki was a member and who died in the wreckage of Bayram Hotel while carrying out aid work in the region after the Van Ercis Earthquake. The team presented the book prepared in memory of Miyazaki to the board of AAR Japan. A commemoration was held at AAR Japan headquarters with the members and with Miyuki Konnai, who survived the wreckage of Bayram Hotel alive.

During the visit, meetings were held with the Japanese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kato Toshiyuki, the Turkish Ambassador of Japan Serdar Kılıç, Ishinomaki Local Administrators and Chamber of Commerce, Japanese Civil Society Organizations AICAT, Peace Winds, AAR Japan. Strengthening the love bridge between Turkey and Japan, and joint projects on healing the wounds of disasters in Turkey and Japan have been worked on.


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