Wooden Toys Campaign – Hamit İbrahimiye and Mediha Turhan Tansel Special Education Centers

Wooden Toys prepared by GEA and Garanti Bank Volunteers were donated to Hamit İbrahimiye Autistic Children and Mediha Turhan Tansel Special Education Center.

For Mentally Handicapped Children, GEA members and Garanti Bank Managers sanded, cleaned and painted specially produced wooden toys with water-based paints suitable for children’s health, and the most sincere feelings in our hearts were written on cards prepared for our children, they were packaged as gifts, and now…

2384 Handcrafted educational wooden toys that will help our mentally handicapped child develop hand and mind coordination, work small motor muscles and prepare them for daily life by gaining hand skills; It has started to be distributed to 39 schools providing Education for Mentally Handicapped Children in 8 provinces in our country.

We unpacked the wooden toys we gave as gifts to Hamit İbrahimiye Autistic Children’s Education Center and Mediha Turhan Tansel Special Education and Job Application Center and played with the children, read the cards prepared for them, and left, saying that we love them very much and that we are very happy to spend time together.


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