The Art of Raising Happy Kids – İzmit Kırkarmut Village

On April 26, 2014, members of GEA Izmit Team met with parents and children in Kırkarmut village of Izmit Kandira. “The Art of Raising Happy Kids” training was provided voluntarily for parents in the village, and toys were also distributed to the children in the village. Before the training, our team members visited the houses in the village, chatted with the parents and the parents were invited to the training. At the end of the training, the “The Art of Raising Happy Kids” booklet was distributed to the parents participating in the activity that took place in Kırkarmut Şehit Er Ahsen Budak Primary School. At the same time, the children played with the distributed toys and had a happy day.
In the activity that took place in izmit with the help of 15 members of our Izmit team that participated voluntarily, 36 mothers and fathers in Kırkarmut Village benefited from the education and 200 toys were distributed to 60 children.


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